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Quit Smoking without Gaining Weight - Part 2



February 2023

Annalise Kirk

Blog Post

You may feel frustrated if you find yourself gaining weight when you stop smoking, even though you're eating less. This can occur because smoking has been shown to slightly increase your metabolism, which then slows down once nicotine is withdrawn.

Once you stop smoking however, evidence would suggest that any weight gain is relatively small, less that 10lbs. That small weight gain is far less dangerous than the impact of continuing to smoke and can be easily remedied.

However, there are some simple things you can do to increase your basal metabolic rate (the rate at which your body expends energy to maintain essential life functions while at complete rest.), or how fast you burn calories:

1. Do aerobics. Aerobic exercise is an effective method for burning more calories. Take a brisk walk or go for a morning swim. Find a variety of activities that you enjoy.

2. Increase your muscle mass . Even a modest gain in muscle mass will help you burn more calories all day and night. Try lifting weights or toning your body with Pilates or yoga.

3. Eat more frequently. Eating food actually stimulates your metabolism because calories get burned in the process of digestion. Most of the action takes place in the first hour after dining, so try eating smaller meals with some healthy snacks in between.

4. Forget about magical solutions. All foods have about the same effect when it comes to burning calories. You might as well enjoy a cup of coffee rather than waste money on fat burning pills whose only active ingredient is caffeine.

About Annalise Kirk

Annalise Kirk is a professional hypnotherapist based in Basingstoke, Hampshire. Annalise has been a  full-time hypnotherapist since 2013 having qualified in 2010. She has helped hundreds of clients achieve their goals and overcome personal issues using hypnosis, CBT/CBH and NLP techniques.

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