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free meeting

01256 213141

Events & Workshops

Details of upcoming events & workshops

As well as my scheduled events, you can also book me to deliver talks & workshops at your college, place of work or event.
Simply browse my available workshops below & get in touch. Bespoke courses & workshops are also available.
Contact me for details.

Sleep Workshop

Short-term sleep issues are annoying but long term sleep problems can have a deeper & far more serious impact. Your quality of sleep directly impacts on your health & well-being, your relationships and your work performance. If you experience poor sleep, then these areas are most likely being affected

Please contact me if you would like me to deliver this course for you

Arena Business Centre or a venue of your choice


Find out more

Stress Workshop or Talk

Everyone suffers from periods of stress at different times on their lives but long term stress can have serious implications. Your stress levels impact directly on your health & well-being, your weight, sleep, relationships and your work performance. If you experience high stress levels, then these areas are most likely being affected

Please contact me if you would like me to deliver this talk for you

Arena Business Centre or a venue of your choice


Find out more

Call Annalise today

Call me today to arrange a
pre-chat or to book your hypnotherapy sessions

01256 213141

Email Annalise today

Email me to ask any questions or to book your pre-chat or hypnotherapy sessions