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A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder & is a strong fear or avoidance of an object or situation. Some phobias are childhood fears that have never been outgrown, whilst other phobias develop after a traumatic event, such as an accident, illness, or disaster. You are not alone.
There are literally thousands of different phobias & figures suggest that 10 million people in the UK have phobias.
Phobias can cause the sufferer to experience feelings of being trapped, dizziness, as well as breathing problems, sweaty hands, chest pain & nausea, & in some instances, they can lead to a full blown panic attack
Does your fear or phobia interfere with your normal routines, work & relationships? If so then you need to do something about it.
Hypnotherapy can help you deal with your fear or phobia & get on with your life, usually in as little as three sessions.
There are no hidden charges or minimum number of sessions required to be booked however I recommend that you sign up for a 4 or 6 session programme, which gives us some structure & a time frame to work within. INTENSIVE 3HR PACKAGES AVAILABLE.
There are no hidden charges or minimum number of sessions required to be booked however I recommend that you sign up for a 4 or 6 session programme, which gives us some structure & a time frame to work within. INTENSIVE 3HR PACKAGES AVAILABLE.
There are no hidden charges or minimum number of sessions required to be booked however I recommend that you sign up for a 4 or 6 session programme, which gives us some structure & a time frame to work within. INTENSIVE 3HR PACKAGES AVAILABLE.
There are no hidden charges or minimum number of sessions required to be booked however I recommend that you sign up for a 4 or 6 session programme, which gives us some structure & a time frame to work within. INTENSIVE 3HR PACKAGES AVAILABLE.
I have helped lots of people get over their fears and phobias, be it flying, exam nerves, needles, foods or public speaking. Helping people conquer their fears or phobias is really satisfying, both personally and professionally, especially when you appreciate the impact it has on their lives.
Call me today to arrange a
pre-chat or to book your hypnotherapy sessions
Email me to ask any questions or to book your pre-chat or hypnotherapy sessions